Daddy Do-Overs: Brotox and Manscaping for Father’s Day

Rather than a tie this Father’s Day, how about Botox?
It may sound unconventional, but gifting dad with an appointment at the dermatologist, may be just what the doctor ordered for this Father’s Day. There are the obvious cosmetic benefits that Botox provides (mainly, a forehead smoother than a baby’s bottom!). But along with the aesthetic positives, his mood and psyche will also enjoy a pick-me-up. This well-known cosmetic treatment has also been shown to fight depression and lift moods.

Dr. Scott Dunbar from Schweiger Dermatology Group, a new dad himself, knows that taking care of his appearance is imperative to looking and feeling his best. “All of a sudden, I’ve got this great little person in my life and at the same time, I’m realizing that makes me feel pretty old,” says Dr. Dunbar.  “I see her and in this very masculine way, I feel like I want to be young and healthy forever. For me, taking care of my appearance is a big part of that. No one wants to be the dad that their kids are embarrassed to bring around their school or show off to their friends. I’ve been working on staying fit and eating healthy, and reversing all the sun damage and facial aging from my misguided youth.”
Besides Botox, which, according to Dr. Dunbar: “Works every time and has essentially no side effects.” He also loves other cosmetic treatments to help him stay on top of his game, including filler (“to improve the creased ‘parentheses’ lines of the lower face”). The other non-surgical cosmetic treatment he’s loving these days is CoolSculpting. Dr. Dunbar says:”I work out and eat right but over time, your male hormones store fat in your gut and love handles. The only way to get rid of this is to physically destroy the fat and that is exactly what CoolSculpting does. It freezes the fat cells and they quite literally die. You won’t lose 20 lbs, but if you have that stubborn start tire despite eating right and exercising, this is the move!”
To find out if Botox, fillers or CoolSculpting is right for you or the dad in your life, email