Beam Up to Glow Up! Combat Acne with Lasers

Acne treatment using laser beam

Most patients equate lasers at dermatologists’ offices to the old school CO2 lasers that blast the first few layers of your skin off having you run around looking like rare roast beef for two weeks. Technology has come a long way since lasers were introduced to the dermatology world over 30 years ago. Lasers are not just for boosting, and lightening, and tightening the skin. Lasers and low-level light devices are now being used to combat acne, offering a more comprehensive approach to treatment. Laser acne treatment is a safe alternative for patients who do not want to use more traditional approaches like topical and oral therapies, as well as a powerhouse addition to those patients already on those therapies. Let us dig into how laser acne treatment can help you achieve a beautiful complexion.

What is Acne and How Best to Treat It?

Acne is a skin condition that develops when pores become clogged with oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells. It can cause blackheads, whiteheads, inflamed pimples, or deep acne cysts. It is the most common skin condition in the U.S., affecting up to 50 million Americans every year. Dermatologists have four goals when treating a patient for acne: Reduce oil production, prevent the formation of new acne lesions, kill the bacteria that causes acne, and prevent scarring. While both topical and oral prescription treatments are effective at addressing those goals, incorporating laser acne treatments into your regimen will supercharge your results helping you achieve clear skin faster.

Lasers Can Treat Acne

A common myth in laser treatment is that you cannot use lasers on skin with an active acne breakout. That is true for some devices, but newer technologies are designed to work specifically on skin with active acne. The laser energy penetrates the skin heating up to a temperature to effectively shrink oil glands, kill acne causing bacteria, reduce inflammation of both superficial and deep cysts, and helps to improve the redness associated with active acne. Unfortunately, since there is no cure for acne, laser acne treatments will not permanently remove acne. The goal of laser acne treatments is to treat acne on a deeper cellular level safely as an added boost to address the four goals of treatment.

portrait of beautiful woman with acne troubled skin before and after acne treatment

Benefits of Lasers for Acne

One of the great benefits of laser acne treatments is that it does not cause any damage to the skin. Skin that is actively breaking out is very sensitive. Great care must be taken not to create damage to the skin which inevitably will cause an even bigger problem, like scarring. This is especially true in skin of color—the risk of scarring increases when lasers are not used properly in darker skin tones. Laser acne treatments are gentle enough to be used all skin types and tones because its goal is to kill bacteria, reduce inflammation of pimples and cysts, and reduce redness.

What to Expect from Acne Laser Treatments

Laser acne treatments are so gentle and comfortable, you will hardly feel a thing. Some patients report that they feel a little “rubber band sting,” but more commonly patients report that it feels warm and comfortable. Treatments are done in a series of 5-6 weekly to bi-weekly treatments. They are also super-fast-done in 15 to 20 minutes –and leave no marks on the face to show that you had something done. Patients look a little pink after treatment, but it goes away in an hour at most.

The latest innovations in laser acne procedures

Some of the newest laser acne treatments are in the form of light-emitting-diode (LED) devices and treatments, which are not lasers at all in the traditional sense. These devices use red and blue LED lights to calm inflammation and kill bacteria. Exposing the skin to different colored LED lights can have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits. Red LED helps to both kill acne causing bacteria and calm inflammation; blue LED helps to kill acne causing bacteria. Red and blue LED acne laser treatments that are performed in-office provide a much stronger delivery of the light to the skin than do the multiple available underpowered home devices –making the in-office treatment much more effective.

The Ultimate Acne Clearing Strategy

Laser acne treatments are effective enough to be stand alone treatments for mild acne, but when combined with a prescription regimen become a powerhouse to clear the skin. Laser acne treatments are the perfect addition to achieving clear skin fast. They are safe in all skin types and tones and are quick and virtually painless. At home devices can certainly provide some benefit to help zap pimples and kill bacteria, but laser acne treatments performed in office are the strongest laser acne treatments available.

Schweiger Dermatology Group features world renowned experts in the field of medical and cosmetic dermatology. Our talented team of providers will help you on your self-care journey by bringing your skin back to life. With over 100 offices and more than 380 healthcare providers around New York, New Jersey, Long Island, and Pennsylvania, we offer same day appointments both in office and via video visit. The health and safety of our patients is staff is our top priority, so our offices are employing enhanced safety measures should you prefer to be seen in office.

While we are doing our best to protect one another, it is important that we take the time to take care of ourselves. Call or go online today to schedule an appointment to achieve healthy skin.

About Schweiger Dermatology Group

Schweiger Dermatology Group was founded to help make excellent dermatology care accessible throughout the Northeast. In 2010, Dr. Eric Schweiger started the practice with a single location in Midtown Manhattan. When he saw the need for high-quality dermatology care that did not require weeks or months of waiting to see a qualified provider, his vision of a multi-location practice was born.

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